Serving as a security buyers advocate

We approach cyber security product and service providers on behalf of our clients. Once we have the information regarding the product or service sought, we approach those in our list of respected providers and share with you our best quotes and proposals.


Security Scoper

Try our assisted scoping for your security assessments, penetration tests, vulnerability scans and code reviews.


Source security consultants

Once we know the nature of the work you are looking for, we can help find a provider from our list of preferred penetration testers and code reviewers.


Source corporate security training

Our providers cover security awareness, technical and non-technical training for your in-house staff.


Security culture assistance

If you are looking to boost the security culture of your organisation, we can help plan, source and deliver training and material to promote the mindset of security.


Bug bounty assistance & triage

We can help you prepare for, choose and setup a bounty platform. We can also assist in day-to-day bounty operations such as triage.


Courses, training and personal development plans

Looking to boost your cyber skills? Talk to us about study plans for your professional development.


How can a person know which professionals in the market are decently skilled? We strive to help make available the knowledge that we have so that it can benefit our clients in making better informed decisions. This, we hope, also helps promote skilled practitioners win work they deserve and enables them to grow and expand their presence in the marketplace.

Meet Our Team

With backgrounds spanning technical security and business, we feel we are in a prime position to advocate for you and your organisation when sourcing and obtaining security services.

A graduate of RMIT University and a member of the institute of chartered accountants ANZ since 2014, Jonathan has been a helpful leader and co-ordinator for IT Security Advocate. His advice and guiding hand have helped shape the style and direction of the organisation as it has developed. Through his role he has come to appreciate the significance of promoting and aiding those with valuable technical skills so that they can focus and deliver their abilities effectively.

- Jonathan Mitchell, CA Director

Dr. Pamela O’Shea is an experienced penetration tester and security consultant with a software engineering and professional research background. Pamela received her Ph.D. in Computer Science from the University of Limerick, Ireland in 2006 and her Bachelors in Telecommunications in 2002. Pamela has previously worked for Accenture, Deloitte, Securus Global, BAE Systems and SEEK working as a security consultant for over eleven years.

- Dr. Pamela O'Shea Security SME